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Nginx client request time setting(lingering_timeout )
2023. 5. 23. 22:20
Nginx에서 client에서 파일 업로드와 같은 작업 수행시
응답으로는 이미 max_client_body_size 설정으로 에러인 상황에서 Request가 중단되어야하지만
Request가 끝까지 진행되는 경우가 있는데
이 경우 send_timeout, proxy_send_timeout, proxy_connect_timeout, client_body_timeout 등의 설정이아니라
lingering_time으로 설정해야한다.
Syntax: lingering_time time;
Default: lingering_time 30s;
Context: http, server, location
This directive applies to client requests with a request body. As soon as the number of uploaded data exceeds max_client_body_size, Nginx immediately sends a 413 Request entity too large HTTP error response. However, most browsers continue uploading data regardless of that notification. This directive defines the number of time Nginx should wait after sending this error response before closing the connection.